Apr 25, 2009


Details of Jeon Yongbok-nim's lecture at Meguro Gajoen

2月の末にヨンジュンさんが極秘滞在していたことが報じられ一躍「時の人」 となられたあの韓国出身の世界的な伝統漆芸美術家ヨンヨンの師匠であります 【全 龍福(チョン・ヨンボク)先生】によるレクチャーのご案内です。



【講演日】   6月28日(日) 12時前後(未定)
【催事名】   韓国と日本の文化交流【講演テーマ】 ”漆文化を今に伝える”   
【会場】    目黒雅叙園目黒区下目黒1-8-1   (目黒駅徒歩3分
【参加費】   おひとり様 9,500円(税込) ランチ付き
【講師】     全 龍福先生 
【応募方法】 4月20日(月)~受付中


口座番号     00990-7-281632
口座名称     ぺ・ヨンジュン家族の会 (ぺ・ヨンジュンカゾクノカイ)
加入者払込店  京都衣棚夷川

窓口にて【払込取扱票】を受取り必要事項を記載しATMでお振込していただくと手数料が80円だそうです。土日でも時間によって(午前中)入金できる地域もあるようです詳しくは最寄りのゆうちょ銀行でお尋ねください。払込取扱票は営業時間がすぎると(無人)ATMのそばには用紙はないようです。受領書は必ずお持ち帰りください。 (ATMで画面入力だけで払込をされると(払込取扱票なし)お名前と金額 しか表示されませんので詳細が確認ができません。不明な点は ゆうちょさんにお尋ねなさって下さい。)



・ 郵便番号
・ 住所
・ HN:   
・ お名前 (ふりがなも必ずお書き添えください)
・ 携帯番号

☆ おひとり様1通ずつ の申込みとさせていただきます。 




【件名】 払込日 HN 名前 (HNなければ不要)

【本文】 払込日 HN 名前(ふりがなも) 住所 ケータイ (自宅電話可)



お申込みは先着順にて受付中です。お席には限りがありますので予定がお決まりになられましたら ぜひ、早めの申込みをお願いいたします。定員になり次第締切させていただきます。入金後のキャンセルは準備の都合上返金はいたしません。代理の出席で対応してくださってOKです。       
先生の講演および会場の都合により プログラムが変更になる場合がございます。また、先生が作成、修復された雅叙園の作品は、可能な限り、ご覧いただけるようにお願いしておりますが、全作品をお見せすることはできません。予めご了承ください。 そして、万が一 やむを得ない事情により講演が中止になった場合は会場費やその他諸経費を差引いて返金いたします。

全 龍福 先生の著書
販売価格 2,100円
(出版社 杜陵高速印刷)を事前にヨンでくださるとよろしいかと思います。
(Bofi にて取り扱い中です)


質問がございましたら こちらで対応させていただきますのでよろしくお願い致します。

Produced by PINKY RING

Apr 23, 2009


The "Yon-sama" special! BYJ also had beer with this set.

The calligraphy reads:
"The place we are now is the last bastion and the beginning of everything. Fightin'!

Photos courtesy of makishi-san^^

Apr 22, 2009

Cafe Michelangelo

Thank you for sharing makishi-san!
(Kindly refrain from reposting this photo - thank you!)

Apr 19, 2009

His Art, His Life

Biography written by Jeon Yongbok

Original Korean version

Japanese version

"Soul: Dad Why Are We Here In Japan?"

Words of recommendation by Japanese writer/buddhist nun Jakucho Setouchi (formerly known as Harumi Setouchi):

When I started reading this book, I could not put it down. It was captivating, like reading a mystery. Although its a simple memoir, the book was charged with the highest sense of tension.

Jeon-san is man who totally restored the lacquered walls and ceilings of the Meguro Gajoen in Tokyo which was in a badly ruined state. He reproduced the Gajoen as a paradise on earth, sparkling with Japanese lacqure, mother of pearl work and gold leaf.

Upon visiting the Gajoen, I was absolutely stunned by its splendor. I thought to myself, perhaps Jeon-san is a fierce God in the shape of a man. Japan has probably grown learning ever so much from the culture of Korea. Even today, Japan is being taught from Korea the various techniques of culture, the passion in preserving it, as well as the pride of loving one's own country.

Book review in Korean:

pallet has already finished the book, and she testified that it was indeed a page turner!

She could easily understand why BYJ fell for Jeon sonsen-nim.

She also felt that it had a lot of similarities with the drama, "First Love".

I can't wait to read it myself!

(The Japanese version is available through bofi only.

An autograph and Q&A session is scheduled at the lecture event.)

Apr 17, 2009

A Lecture of Our Dreams

BYJ with Jeon Yongbok sonsen-nim

From left to right, BYJ, Jeon sonsen-nim's son, Sato-san of the band SENSATION

(photos from the "Diary of SENSATION")

BYJ's mentor on Japanese lacquer Jeon Yongbok sonsen-nim will be giving a lecture at Gajoen! This is the second of two lectures (the first to be given in Kyoto at the end of May) produced by wuri kajok Pinky Ring.

Reproduction of the entrance of the old Meguro Gajoen.
The current work is the entrance to the banquet hall on the 5th floor.

Elevator to the "Hyakudan Kaidan (One Hundred Steps Stairway)

Date: June 28 (Sun) from 12 p.m.

Name of event: Cultural exchange between Korea and Japan

Theme: Passing on the Lacquer Culture to the Present

Venue: Meguro Gajoen

Fee: 9500 Yen (includes lunch)
Applications will be accepted from April 20 (Mon)

Pinky Ring-san has revealed to us that sonsen-nim is a most passionate person, and that he is willing to talk about everything we want to know about lacquer art... and of course wuri BYJ!

Kamsahamnida, Pinky-san for organizing the lecture of our dreams!

Jeon Yongbok sonsen-nim's profile in Korean:


Apr 4, 2009

First and Foremost an Actor

"Untold Scandal" was chosen as one of the films shown in the 5th Anniversary Event at Cine Quanon Yurakucho 1 Chome Theater.

Seeing Lord Won again .... I said to myself,
"Yes, I was right.... you BYJ are first and foremost an actor!"
I want to see you in a new work RIGHT NOW~!

Displayed at the theater:

(photos courtesy of yunyon - thank you!)