May 22, 2009
Pinky Ring's Pre-Event Report: Tokyo to Morioka

Board showing shinkansen's (bullet train) departure to Morioka

Inside the Shinkansen (bullet train)

BYJ inside the Shinkansen


Morioka Station

Main Street

In Memory of the poet Takuboku Ishikawa
Exhibit Hall
May 13, 2009
Seats are are sold out.


【目黒雅叙園さん】サンキュ~おおきに カムサ~~<(_ _)>
応募方法はhttp://flowerbossa.blogspot.com/2009/04/blog-post.html をご覧ください。
☆開場 11時30分
受付場所は 2F 舞扇 前
☆ご宴会 会場 【舞扇】全室
お食事 正餐(中国料理 予定)
☆講演 会場 【華つどい】
その他、 あらゆる所に先生の作品がございますので、ど~ぞヨンジュンさんもご覧になった先生の作品めぐりをお楽しみください。
Produced by PINKY RING
May 11, 2009
Photos of Meguro Gajoen by Makishi
May 9, 2009
全龍福先生・ペ・ヨンジュン漆ファンタジー 開催決定!

photos lifted from:
. Jeon sonsen-nim - official site of "Jeon Yongbok 21st Century Lacquer Art Works Exhibit"
. BYJ - captured by makicchi
. Julius-Jeongwon Kim - official site
. Sensation - official site
場所はなんと、 岩手県民会館大ホールにて、全龍福先生のトークショー や せんせいしょんのコンサート、世界的ピアニストジュリアス・ジョンウォン・キムさんによるピアノ演奏ほか盛りだくさんの内容です。
主催 KEYEAST 岩山漆芸美術館
Announcing collaborative event by Jeon Yongbok sonsen-nim & BYJ!
Date: June 9, 2009 (Tue)
Name of event: Jeon Yongbok sonsen-nim & BYJ Urushi (Lacquer) Fantasy
Venue: Iwate Prefectural Hall (Main Hall)
The event will include a lecture by Jeon Yongbok sonsen-nim, a performance by
world- renowned pianist Julius-Jeongwon Kim, a live performance by the band Sensation and more.
Lacquer works by Jeon Yongbok sonsen-nim and Bae Yong Joon will be exhibited in the exhibition room in the same hall from June 9 to 14.
Details will be announced next week, so watch out for it!
Sponsored by: KEYEAST & Iwayama Urushi Art Museum
May 6, 2009
A Little Bit About Yo Hitoto

I’m not assure what I can do while I’m alive
We’ll have to face the end of our life after all, so
I suppose the most important thing is to seize the moment
At my mother’s dying breath
In the hospital, she murmured wanting to see a musical!!!
Since then, I believe that music owns magic power
I begin wanting to sing the songs that’ll make people brace up
For the other one whom someone likes a lot
I knew the musical treatment and then know the art treatment
While going into the spot of western medical treatment
I want to know much more
I believe there’s more I can do
But I feel it’s not enough with my personal power
So I carve my intentions here
If my music partner play with me with the same intentions
Even influence the partners on the backstage
I have a feeling that I can approach to my dream
Taking the chance while the one you love is still alive
I keep thinking till now
Don’t be spare to say Thank you I’m sorry
On your way
If you come across to my words and my music I feel especially well-being
To say thanks to you
I keep singing
Yo Hitoto
因為人生總有結束的一天 所以
在醫院裡 ??著想去看歌舞劇
!!!難以置信 ?看完回來 變得精神奕奕
從此 我相信 音樂擁有神奇的能量
而我開始想唱歌, 要唱的是讓人精神好起來的歌
, 為了 某人很喜歡的?一個人
我認識音樂療法, 之後進入西方醫療現場才知道藝術療法
可是我覺得只靠我個人的能力 還是不?
如果 我的音樂夥伴用同樣的心意 和我演出
直到現在 我還一直在思考
不要捨不得? 謝謝? 對不起
如果?遇到我的言語和音樂 我感到格外的幸福
(taken from an interview when she was promoting the song.
translated by flowerbossa)
I asked myself if there wasn't a way we could exchange feelings of tenderness towards each other.
I thought about “peace” surrounding me, and it was lying around everywhere.
For instance, the dogwood plaza I spent time in with my friends on the way back from school.
After Japan gave cherry blossom trees to the U.S. in 1912, the mayor of Tokyo (Yukio Ozaki) was given dogwood in return. Now, cherry blossoms bloom along the shore of the Potomac River, and dogwood trees flower in the gardens of Japanese homes and the Imperial palace.I think the cultural exchange Ozaki sought to attain was more than successful.
It think it is beautiful that mutual feelings for each other still have a shape and can acutally be seen, blooming as flower.
I wrote the song “Hanamizuki (Dogwood)” hoping that the relationship between someone special to me and his/her special someone will last at 100 years.
May 5, 2009
May 1, 2009
Jeon Sonsen-nim's Challenge with Watches

Title: Credor JURI Tenga (graceful)

INTERVIEW with Lacquer Artist Jeon Yongbok
(translated by flowerbossa)
When I was 30 years old, I was asked to repair a zen (a table for meals) with exquisite raden (mother- of- pearl inlay ) which had been used at Meguro Gajoen for 60 years.At the time, I was not interested in reparing things made in the past, but I decided to accept the request believing that it would be a good experience. That was my first encounter with Tokyo Meguro Gajoen.Six years later, I became responsible for a project which consisted of restoring and creating art works amounting to 5000 pieces, and in the 3 years that followed, I experienced various hardships in managing the 300 lacquer craftsman I had brought with me from Korea and the difficulties of living abroad. But as I was filled with a sense of duty to revivify the art works of the highest class left by our forerunners, I put in everything I had into this project.

Title: Credor NODE

The decorations on the elevators, works which were large as 23 m in height, walls which were totally covered with lacquer work etc ... everything at Gajoen were of unprecedented scale, and in order to finish it with perfection, I knew that it was necessary to have deep knowledge and understanding of the materials. Thus, I went through countless research and experiments on the traditional Japanese lacquer techniques and the qualities of lacquer.
Through these efforts, I realized that lacquer possessed mysterious qualities which are not yet generally known. I felt that new possibilities laid ahead in the expression with lacquer.
I took on the challenges of creating delicate musical instruments such as the piano, violin, and cello. Bringing out the qualities of lacquer, I was able to create a clear and beautiful sound. Not only were they beautiful on the outside, I think it was a worthwhile challenge to pursue the new possibilities of lacquer.

Title: Credor NODE

And now, coming out of my usual work of creating furniture and artworks for decorating walls, I have become interested in "watches" - something very close to us and capable of seeing at all times. I imagined the inexpressible beauty that will come out when art is added to something made with precision.Natural materials create various expressions according to light and angles. The splendor of a shell possesses movement. When the artwork resonates with the gear and hands, we should be able to feel a bigger sense of life. My new creative activity had begun.
Up to this present day, I have three things I am proud of in my life.
First, for completing the restoration and creation of the cultural assets of Meguro Gajoen (called the "hall of arts" of the early Showa era) by giving everything I had in terms of ideas and ability.
Secondly, 15 years from then, I revived the Iwayama Lacquer Art Museum as a museum serving as a base for the culture of lacquer.
And the third is for taking on the new challenge of creating watches.
In 2007, I made a visit to Baselworld and strongly felt that the product of this creative activity should not be an artwork merely based on my original views , rather I must aim for perfection as a watch. Being finally able to present this product after overcoming many obstacles, I must say this was a project I suffered from the most and at the same time found the most rewarding in all my life as an artist.
Japan is the "country of japan (lacquer)". It took in the art of lacquer from abroad, and has established it as a part its own culture. In a land with a harsh natural environment frequented by earthquakes, lacquer has been used as a kind of paint to preserve wooden architecture, and passed on steadily to the present. Here, you can most certainly find bountiful knowledge and work of the Japanese people.
Because I am an artist who deals with lacquer, a symbol of Japan, I have experienced much of its culture and acknowledge its greatness, but unfortunately few Japanese seem to understand his own culture in depth.
There is much in the culture of Japan that one can proudly present to the world. I hope the Japanese people would soon wake up to the wonders of the things close at hand, and feel proud of them. Perhaps it is time that the Japanese who have been in contact with western culture for a long time will revive its sense of nostalgia.
Tradition is something that preserves history, and at the same time, it must leave the present age itself. It is my desire to have the Japanese people know more about the culture of lacquer and treasure it. I hope my work will serve as a catalyst.
Expressing my respect to the Swiss people who contributed to the history of mechanical watches, I believe that this collaboration with lacquer with its 10,000 year old history has gained an opportunity to make a contribution. I would like to offer all of my experience and craftsmanship for this project.
Even in the world of a millimeter, if it is something that touches a soul, it is worth giving one's life to it.