Excerpt from Sohn-san's blog Dec. 1
(Sohn-san starts out by saying,one of his valuable staff left the company to be married.)There is another one who’s getting married – my best friend of many years, who’s probably sound asleep at my house while I’m still here in my office. This is going to take place on Christmas Eve. My friend and I both belonged to the film club in Sungkyunkwan University, and he's the one that made me realize that I should not become film director ( I had never thought that it was not possible…). I had passionately told him that “one day, I will become a producer to your films” – it turned out that I never became a producer, but as for him, he did become a film director.

This morning, when I looked through the internet news my messenger updated, I found articles announcing his marriage. Ahh, he needs to get a proper photo taken, I thought, but most of the articles more or less featured the bride-to-be, Moon-san, and he was mentioned as someone becoming her husband. So I guess it doesn’t matter that much.

People should not give up their dreams. We all face hard times, but I believe we can overcome them if we hang on to our dreams – or rather, I want to believe that.
My best friend was able to make his first dream a reality. He chose not to take a job even when he didn’t have any money, but it’s wonderful that it all worked out. I don’t know if getting married was one of his dreams, but if so, it’s going to come true very soon, so congratulations on that, too. I’m happy for you, really.
But. But come on, please tell me when you are planning to finish the script for your next film after “Save the Green Planet”. And let’s try to be clear on when you are planning to move out of my place, too.
I hope both of you will be always be happy with each other…
☆ Sohn-san also added the following in the comment section:
I got a call from Yong Joon last night, and he was taken aback that he did not know anything about this. He was upset that it was all kept a secret from him. But the wedding will take place only with their families participating, so even I’m not invited. I asked if they couldn’t make me a relative under the name Jang Il Hyung, but Moon-san only laughed. I guess I’m really not being invited…