Dec 31, 2010
Yon-koma Comic "A Request from the Security Guards"
Dec 30, 2010
Dec 21, 2010
Dec 20, 2010
Photo Session Report by PESASA's MARInet

MARInet of PESASA was one of the lucky kajoku who participated in the photo session!
She shared her wonderful experience with us on the PESASA site.
Arigato MARInet-san!
From the site of BYJ and LSH Supporters in Japan (aka PESASA)
Dec. 20, 2010
translated by flowerbossa
A photo session was held at JCB Hall (in Tokyo Dome City) from 4 p.m.
Aside from the press, 650 people from the public who were chosen in a drawing were invited.
I was on the 3rd floor in the 6th row of of the second balcony (second row from the back).
It was too far from the stage for an amateur to take photos with a digital camera.
So, it was more like an event for watching a photo session for the press, rather than one for taking photos for ourselves.
In the arena of the ground floor, there were camera crews from magazines and television stations. We were seated on the first balcony of the second floor and the second balcony of the third floor.
The artists appeared on stage one by one, and after a brief message, photos were taken immediately. First facing the right side, than the center, and finally on the left. This set was repeated twice - once for photographs and the other for footage.
After all of the participants came out, Yong Joon-san came out at 4:35 p.m. as the last artist.
The fans were in a frenzy letting out what seemed like screams welcoming him.
Yong Joon-san gave a brief greeting, but my heart was pounding and I was so flustered that I don't remember what he said (>_<)

Yong Joon-san's message:
"Hello. I am Bae Yong Joon. I hope this event will serve as a meaningful start that will enable the children of Asia to smile with hope. "
The photo session began from the invited crowd , and after the hall became just bit brighter, we were allowed just 2 minutes to take photos.
At 4:36 the MC of DATV said to YJ-san that the kajoku are on the 2nd and 3rd floor so please look up, but even with a 15x digital camera, I could not capture him well. Because he would not look up to the 3rd floor, I was not able to get his face clearly.
There were some people who seemed like professionals equipped with great cameras and tripods, and on the other end there were people who gave up on taking pictures all together and just watched. There were also many fans for artists other than Yong Joon-san.
I must say that taking photos of someone you like is an impossible task, because both your heart and hands shake from excitement(>_<)

..... (omit) I am sorry that these photos are so blurry, but I hope I was able to convey the atmosphere.
Later, there was a session for the press, and in the end Yong Joon-san made a cute gesture by raising both of his arms in the air.
At 4:40, YJ-san waved to us, and after giving a very courteous bow he disappeared into the wings.
At 4:41, all of the participants lined up on stage, and again posing for photos turning right, center, left (2 sets), the session came to a close at 4:45.
Dec 15, 2010
2010 Hohoemi (SMILE) Project@Tokyo Dome
Dec 13, 2010
Nov 24, 2010
Nov 16, 2010
A Concert to Look Forward To
(This concert has been organized by B.S.J. member Cranberry!)
"Asian Winds"
Ichimujin (Classical guitar duo)
WeiWei Wuu (Chinese violin "erhu" player)
Ichimujin is recently known for its BGM in the popular NHK history drama "RYOMADEN"
WeiWei Woo is featured in the music for the popular drama "JIN".
Music by Ichimujin
Music by WeiWei Woo
アジアを吹き抜ける風のように熱く、そして やさしく
クラシックギターデュオ いちむじん
二胡奏者 ウェイウェイ・ウー(中国)
いちむじん 『龍馬伝』(紀行~いちむじんバージョン)
『かけら』(ミサワホームCM曲) 他
『JIN-仁-Main Title』
◆日時/ 2011年 1月 28日(金)18:30開場 19:00開演
Date: Jan. 28, 2011
◆出演/ クラシックギターデュオ いちむじん
二胡奏者 ウェイウェイ・ウー(中国)
◆会場/ 四谷区民ホール(四谷区民センター9階)
東京メトロ 丸の内線「新宿御苑前」駅より徒歩5分
都バス 品97新宿駅西口~品川車庫
◆チケット 発売中
全席自由 前売り券 3000円 当日券 3500円
◆ご予約/お問合わせ/ asianwind2011@yahoo.co.jp
◆後援: 新宿区
2004年に結成し、現在は東京を拠点に全国各地のホールやライブハウスでの コンサート及びイベント出演するなど、積極的に音楽活動をしている。彼らはCDやコンサートの中で、ポピュラー、映画音楽、オリジナル曲など発表し続けており、クラシックの枠にとどまらないのびのびとしたギター・サウンドで人々の心を魅了している。ステージでは、その繊細で感傷的な表現力と、研ぎ澄まされたスピード感溢れる演奏で好評です
≪ 主な参加作品 ≫
・映画「沈まぬ太陽」全国東宝系劇場公開 (原作=山崎豊子)
・2010年9月 4th Album 『TOMA』発売
宇高靖人(Yasuhito Udaka)【写真:左】
山下俊輔 (Shunsuke Yamashita)【写真:右】
【ウェイウェイ・ウー】WeiWei Wuu
■NPO法人エルエスエイチアジア奨学会■ (寄付先)
コンサート公式HP: http://asianwind2011.blog25.fc2.com/
Nov 6, 2010
Pictures at Gosireh

A charity gathering in support of the "Smile Project" was held by kiyomi-san's circle "April Snow" and Now on November 3 (a national holiday). Along with another artist (Mr. Yagi), I was invited to exhibit five of my drawings, and we also supported the event by offering picture postcards etc.
The pictures were exhibited in the VIP room of Gosireh, and I was very happy to have over 70 people see my works. (pallet)
Photos of Gosireh below: courtesy of Jaime's blog "Zoom on Bae Yong Joon"
February, 2008

VIP Room