Oct 4, 2008

A Gift of Love

4 Coma Comics by saita4
Originally posted on B.S.J. on Oct.3 2008
translated by: flowerbossa

One day, I found a scroll called "The Way to Capture a Girl's Heart" in the shelf.

(1. A gift should be something that will surprise and move her.)

With that advice in mind, I tucked my gift to Kiha in my breast pocket and hurried to the temple.

Suzini: Hey, she's not going to be surprised with that gift hidden there!

Damdeok: You just wait and see ♪

Alright, accept my gift...

.... she didn't notice it.

Suzini: See, I told you so~


gosijo said...

Hi Flowerbossa,

please congratulate saita4 on her great wit, haha!

I wonder how she miniaturized the 'scroll' to fit in Action Figure Damdeok's hands. What a talented sister she is!

Thanks for your great translation. It's wonderful to be included in the family joke.

flowerbossa said...

Thank you gosijo!

I'm sure saita-san will happy to hear that you enjoyed her comic^^
She sure is a witty sister♪

Allow me to translate your comment in Japanese here:

flowerbossa, こんにちは。

saita4 さんのウィット、最高!とお伝え下さい!ハハハ^^

本当に器用なsister ね!