Feb 26, 2009
Feb 22, 2009
Even Though We are Apart
Written by satovic
Translated by flowerbossa

Kim Tei-ssi announced "Yong Joon-san has a present for you!" and explained an exciting event that among the 10,000 in the venue, 3 lucky persons whose seat number is chosen by a lottery will get an autograph from YJ - he will hear the person's name on the spot, and sign the pamphlet of the Christmas event in front of their eyes. Oh, this is great! What a wonderful idea! This makes us feel that even though YJ is far away from us, he is actually participating in this event, don't you think? It would be so nice if he we could have him participate in the B.S.J. final event next February - even just for the lottery^^
Kim Tei-san then called out to the studio in Seoul.
There was a white box in front of YJ which was divided into 3 sections.
In the first section, there were cards indicating "seats in center section", "arena seats" and "stand" respectively. In the next section there were cards indicating the row numbers such as "Block D Row 29". And the last section contained cards with the seat numbers.
The seats on my right and left were empty. If and when the seat on my right side is called, I will stick my butt in it immediately! The same goes with the one on my left. First one there wins! Yeah! I went into combat mode, lifting my body slightly from my seat.
BUT! There was another problem. Although the big screen in the front and the monitor hanging from the center of the dome had been showing the studio in Seoul, the latter changed to show the happenings of the venue, and we were only able to see Yong Joon in the monitor in the front. Well, that is OK from the viewpoint of showing the winner's expression, but the problem was, in order to build up the excitement, aiming for a drum roll effect, they started to swirl the spotlights all around the venue, making it hard to see YJ's face. That was somewhat disappointing. Nothing to whine about, but if it weren't for that small fault, the lighting plan was perfect! And because the sound, images, MC and songs were all so wonderful, it was too bad that they had to make that mistake.
Even though it was hard, I tried desperately to see him and concentrated on the big screen far away, and in the meantime, the first card was drawn - "center". Kim Tei-san said "please show us the card!" and replying "Ne (yes)", YJ showed the card towards the camera. He looked like a kid, and so cute~! I know it's rather rude to be calling a 36 year old man "cute", but can I help it? Cute he is!
The person who had her seat number called jumped up, but for some reason the person in back of her jumped up with her and got into the camera, so we weren't able to tell who the winner was. OK, I know you're excited, but you're making things awfully confusing! After the winner gave out her name, YJ immediately wrote it on the pamphlet, and not giving the winner time to sink into her happiness, he immediately started to shake the box getting ready to draw the next card. Because there was not enough time, YJ was carrying out his job briskly, and the way he was going about it was funny that laughter filled the venue. I wonder if he wrote her name Hangeul. Alphabet? It couldn't have been hiragana (Japanese)?

When he drew the second number, it was from the arena, but to our surprise, the seat was not occupied. YJ confirmed with the director in front of him, "one more time? I should draw one more time, right?" and shaking the box again, he drew another card. It was so funny seeing him going through this in a brisk manner that I wondered why he gave this impression, and it occurred to me that we have never had the chance to see him act in haste. It's not like he is panicking, but it was quite funny seeing him taking on the task so single-mindedly. YJ who is usually so elegant was drawing the cards hurriedly, shaking the box up and down in haste, and waiting to sign the next name in earnest. And without as much as an interval, he goes onto the next one. With the help of Ryu Seung-Su-san, the final person was decided.
A simple task like drawing a lot and signing his autograph is beautiful, elegant, slightly funny, sophisticated and cool... I never thought that being able to see Yong Joon no-cut in real time action would be so fun and make me so happy!! What a charming guy! I feel bad to be saying this about an actor, but the natural Yong Joon is so wonderful. People who go to see him at the location sites regardless of the notices on the official sites asking them not to, probably can't help going in hope of seeing this natural YJ.
In the interview, YJ himself claimed that he is always able to work hard because his family is always at the location sites from early morning, rain or shine. If what he says is true, what is the meaning of the notices on the sites pleading us not to go? Next time, maybe I should go too! If he would do a live broadcast like this at least once every six months, I could perhaps hold back~ (I'm trying to threaten BOF^^)
So, after the autograph session for the 3 lucky ladies out of the family of 10,000 was over, it was finally time for YJ's last speech.
"I didn't think it would be over so quickly." Hey, you're the one that went through the lottery so hurriedly! Many fans probably shared my reaction.
After giving his heartfelt thanks not only to the family, but to the staff of the concert and event, he said, please have a merry Christmas with your family, and added his usual greeting, kongan hashigo, henbok haseyo. And after handing the mike to Seung Su-san, he put his arms around his shoulder.
While thinking, oh that lucky guy, Seung Su-san said jokingly after grabbing YJ's arm that was placed on his shoulder "everyone, you must envy me for this okkedonm (friends so close that they have their arms around each other - this phrase might be familiar to you from YJ's MV). But you see, though YJ is here, he actually has his arm around all of you~." How nice^^ When SS-san had the mike, he ended up doing most of the talking and YJ was just sitting by his side enjoying himself, but it just made me happy to see him relaxed like that. When YJ was talking, SS-san handed him a Santa doll, and they fooled around. SS-san said that he would try to visit Japan soon, but it would be nice if the two of them would come together next time, and give an enjoyable interview. Perhaps they would be here on promotion for the "Winter Sonata Animation" project.
In the end, he always thanked Kim Tei-san and also congratulated her on the arrival of her baby adding "you are beautiful as always". Wow, he's like an Italian I thought, but after they ended the broadcast Kim Tei-san hastily tried to explain "he didn't say pretty, but he meant you are looking well in spite of giving birth to a child". Of course she didn't want to have an audience of 10,000 turn against her! She was desperate! Kim Tei-san - she REALLY knows how we family feel^^v
So, the broadcast from Seoul ended. but because the audio line was still alive, Kim Tei-san favored us with a nice arrangement. "Everyone, since the meetings held in Japan in the past were all promotion events of movies and dramas and not a fan meeting, you were probably not able to say what you really wanted to say to YJ-san (showing concern for his co-players). You should have something you want to him. Shall we say it together? We can't call him pae-ha anymore, so... Yong Joon-ssi, saranghaeyo!!" She led us to call out to him, and the 10,000 of us screamed "Saranghaeyo!"
They certainly did a thorough research on wuri family's feelings for YJ when they wrote a script for this event. The direction had a touch delicate indeed, and it grabbed our hearts.
Then, we were to sing the famous Christmas song "Silent Night" together, and the 3 singers came out again with a card with the Japanese lyrics in their hands. On the screen hanging from the center of the venue, the lyrics was shown, and while everyone was singing along watching the screen, YJ appeared on the big front screen in a wipe mode.
OOOHHH, he's still connected~~~! The people who were only watching the lyrics on the central screen may not have noticed it until later, but because I was familiar with the song from singing it every year at church and I could sing it without looking at the lyrics, I was able to notice him immediately. I was never so grateful that I was a Christian as in that moment - just joking^^ YJ noticing that he was shown on the monitor, pointed to it with the expression of "ah!" He continued to wave at us until the very end, and the screen gradually began to focus on the letters Merry Christmas on the Christmas tree, and with Kim Tei-san's Merry Christmas! the event was brought to a close.

AH, I was satisfied, satisfied, wholly satisfied! Even knowing the whole thing was a production, that's okay. To the staff of BOF, I would like to thank you for a wonderful Christmas with Yong Joon! I was able to recharge my batteries for the Valentine's Day event we are planning to hold in February. I'm ready to go full sail for the last event of our site B.S.J. !
I would like to thank the readers of this report, too!
I wish you a merry, merry Christmas!
Love forever,
YJ-ssi was not just being "nice" about Kim Tei-ssi's appearance - you can see for yourself^^ flowerbossa
(photo from Kim Tei-ssi's official blog)
Feb 21, 2009
COOL ! E Jiah!
(photos from site "K-popped!")
Thank you makishi for sharing this info!
Feb 19, 2009
Lovely sisters!
Feb 14, 2009
Feb 9, 2009
Even Though We are Apart
written by satovic
translated by flowerbossa

Next, Kim Tei-ssi said "everyone, please take out your handkerchiefs for the next song."
While I was thinking , ah, so it must be Winter Love Song, Ryu's song, the audience let out a light burst of laughter as if to say "oh, you aren't expecting to cry with WLS after all these years, are you?!" But Kim Tei-ssi insisted "when I say this, many of you tend to react like who needs hankies in this day and age, but when you actually watch the scenes from the drama, it brings back the memories and people start to groping for their handkerchiefs after all!". I let down my guard because I heard Ryu sing right in front of me at the pachinko event, but nothing had happened. So, what could happen today?

Feb 8, 2009
Feb 7, 2009
Even Though We Are Apart
Written by satovic
translated by flowerbossa

The latter half of the close up report & Another Days was the footage of him strolling in the town of Kamakura on June 10.
First of all, it really made me happy to see him walk down towards the shore with a camera in one hand ... I had wanted to see him like that, YJ being his natural self. Of course with the camera rolling by him, you can't say that he was completely free, but I was overjoyed to see him against an ordinary scenery in Japan. Seeing him hold his camera towards the bamboo woods, lighting an incense ( he had kindly worshipped Buhddist temples even though he is Christian), folding his long legs in a cave in order to take photos .... I was so happy to see the natural Yong Joon. Feeling the water in a pond, he happily called out "water is coming out!" There were some instances when he was acting kinda dopey....^^ Yes, quite natural.
Interviews were inserted in appropriate intervals. When he was asked what he wanted to do most at that moment, after saying "with trees..." in one breath, he took his time to weave his words as if he was trying to cut out a particular scene from his mind. "In a forest with trees... surrounded by grass damp from the dew...I want to place a chair there and lie down....breathing the fresh air... taking in the scent..." . What he wants is a quiet and fully relaxing vacation like that. Though he was probably not able to relax to that extent, on that day, he was walking the streets of an ordinary neighborhood in Kamakura. The audience buzzed "oooh!! when they saw that. I reacted in dumb way myself, crying out "wow, Yong Joon is walking!" I shouldn't talk, should I?
Yes, Kim Tei-ssi is right, if I knew there was a chance that I would bump into Yong Joon in MY neighborhood, who'd dare to walk out of the house in clogs? I'd have to put on my Ferragamo's to take out the trash!
We saw YJ relaxing on a bench in a park in Yokohama, as he took photos of the sky and birds. He apparently spent about an hour like that, and it was good to see him spending time like that.
He mentioned that before he injured himself, he got rid of stress by exercising because it felt like the unwanted things inside him seemed to wash out of him when he did, but since he made photography his hobby, he came to see things around him in a different light, and it had become a natural way of removing stress.
After confessing that he wanted to make a guidebook introducing the beauty of Korea based on the photos he took on his own, he laughed saying "someone might steal my idea if I talked about it too much!" The way he said that was so cute and charming. I wish I could talk to him like that some day!
He also said that another way he overcomes stress is by getting up a sweat by eating spicy foods, because it makes him feel refreshed. Which led to the topic of Gosireh. They showed him looking at a jungeol prepared with tofu tied with green onion (eaten in the court), after commenting "it's beautiful" and he fell silent for awhile. The impression remained with him for some time as he continued to show his appreciation nodding his head. Oh, how I wished to show him the cuisine of Kyoto with dishes so exquisitely prepared! After asking "please serve me a dish", he murmured "oh, this is really something .... I wonder how it tastes..." Ooo, comments like that from you are what makes us kajok squeal! I felt like patting his shoulder like an ajumma^^
Then the film introduced how he particular he is about food, and showed footage of him visiting the new Gosireh to open in Nagoya. This is a man who looks good even in a construction site!
He rode on the Ferris wheel and looked over the city of Nagoya from the height of 52 m. There's no way he could have missed the 300 members of his family gathered below him holding signs. Then, on to the hand printing at Gosireh Hwa. Reminds me of the hand printing he did in Taiwan. But he wore sunglasses for both occasions... He looks best with out glasses, you know!
Then, there was an interview on being an actor.
"Acting is a difficult profession.
There is no correct answer to acting.
When you get absorbed in a role, you come to feel pain more than joy, and there are things that can be conveyed only when the heart moves in that way.
So, I think it is a painful profession.
But because it is difficult, and there are goals to be overcome, it motivates me to take action. I think a spirit to make such challenges helps me to grow."
That was the kind of reply he made. This was what was recorded in my mental video, so please excuse me if I heard wrong. My memory capacity is extremely small....^^
And when asked what he wanted to do in the future,
"I'm thinking of taking up farming. Things like plowing the fields... since I love wine, I would like to make a vineyard and invite families of friends and entertain them with good food. I want to be with my family even after 50."

I think that's what he said.
So, just getting a glimpse of this new video it seems like its packed with great stuff - so we should look forward to its release on Feb. 14!