Feb.1, 2009
created by satovic
The final event for B.S.J. was carried out in the form of a graduation ceremony.
Because wuri principal BYJ was not present, satovic tried giving him a call.
(enjoy the video!)
(RING ~~~!)
Satovic: Hello, is this Bae Yong Joon-san’s home?
BYJ: Konnichiwa. Watashi wa Bae Yong Joon desu
(Hello. I am BYJ.)
S: It’s been awhile. This is satovic.
BYJ: Mata oaidekite ureshii desu. ( I’m glad to see you again!)
S: I’m glad to see you again too.
When I met you on the plane, I was so nervous that I was sweating profusely. Do you remember how I looked?
BYJ: Buta no shabu-shabu. (Pork shabu-shabu.)
S: Ooh, your Japanese has improved a lot.
BYJ: Gohan tabemashitaka? ( Have you eaten?)
S: Oh, yes. You know, I think I ate too much for lunch today.
BYJ: Soshin! (Shape up!)
S: Ooh, that’s mean…. YJ-san, are you sure you’re a Virgo? I can’t believe it. When was your birthday again?
BYJ: Hatsuratsu. (a pun on hachigatsu meaning August).
S: Ah, that’s right it was August. By the way, where are you right now?
BYJ: Kokoga watashi no ie desu. ( THIS is my house.)
S: Oh, you made a tiny mistake (with your grammar).
In this case, you should have said “kokowa” instead of “kokoga”.
BYJ: Nazedaro? (I wonder why…)
S: Well, I can’t answer that. You shouldn’t think too much when you want to learn a language. Repetition is the key. You want to try it?
BYJ: Suki desu. (I like you.)
Suki desu.
Suki desu.
Suki desu.
Daijoubu desuka? (Are you alright?)
S: How do you expect me to be alright? You were about to give me a heart attack.
Wow, that made me dizzy… Please ask Sohn-san to teach you proper Japanese. You still must be good friends with Sohn-san, right?
BYJ: Koibito desu! (He’s my love!)
S: Come on, that can’t be so. You aren't a girl. Joon, you’re a guy, aren’t you?
BYJ: Docchi kana? (I wonder which…)
Anata wa docchi? (Which are you?)
S: What do you mean you’re not sure!
Both you and Sohn-san are boys!
BYJ: Torikaekko! (Trade!)
S: No! That’s not it!
BYJ: Torikaekko!
S: Hey, that’s not funny…
Let’s change the subject.
BYJ: Mou hanasanai… (I don’t want to talk any more… The same phrase can mean "I won't let you go.")
S: Oh dear, you’re pouting.
Okay, why don’t we talk about one of your favorite topics, business.
The Korean economy has been in a severe state recently, hasn’t it?
I hear that with the falling stock prices, you’ve taken quite a blow. Were you alright?
BYJ: Sugoku itakatta desu. (It hurt me a lot.)
S: I can imagine. But for us, with the weak won, everything seems very cheap when we travel to Korea. Fruit must be cheap too, right?
BYJ: Ichigo ichie(n) (A strawberry is one yen- a pun on “ichigo ichie”, BYJ’s favorite proverb meaning “treasure every encounter for it will never recur”.)
S: Oh, now that’s cheap! By the way, do you remember that I lent you some money the last time we met? Because I was nervous, I had the bill clasped in my hand so tight that it got warm. Do you remember how much it was?
BYJ: Atatakai go seien. (He is actually saying "warm support "A pun on “atatakai go sen en” meaning, warm 5000 yen.)
S: When will you give it back to me?
BYJ: Chotto matte kudasai. ( Please wait while.)
S: Are things that bad? Are you okay?
When, Yong Joon? How long would I have to wait?
BYJ: Ah, mata au sonohimade, ogenkide… (Ah, till we meet again, take care…)
(the sound of the line being cut off...)