March 18, 2009
Copied BYJ - Made a Boo-boo

(Satvik alias satovic went to Busan to pay a visit to Lee Soo Hyun's grave to report to him how many of BYJ's family supported the foundation under his name. She also wanted him to know that though she has made the decision to close B.S.J. as of Feb 14, the donation project has been passed on to another chingu.)
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(at the grave) His action of good will that led to his death was written in four languages on the monument.
Korean graves are usually large shaped earthen mounds.
When you go out to the suburbs, you can see graves every where on the fields, and people are told not to enter the woods with graves in the evenings as it is believed that demons will appear. Due to limitations of land, cremation is becoming more popular, but even so, the remains of the tradition still exists of adding a earthen mound to a grave (in this manner).
In Korea, a visit to a grave requires the following things: flowers, incense, alcohol, and a
special bow called 'kun jol' (큰절). 'Kun jol' means a deep bow, and true to the word, you use your whole body to show respect. Now I was confident that I could carry this kun jol out well! Because .... I had countlessly watched BYJ practice this particular bow!

This bow requires of you to practically scrape your head to the ground, and pay the highest respect to your ancestors and seniors. This is not merely a cremony - I think it is very important for us to bow our heads like this and use our enter body to express our reverence. When Muslims pray, when Hindus pray for Samadhi, and Buddhists throw down their body to the ground, they all use their whole body to prostrate themselves. I believe it is an opportunity for every man regardless of the amount of power he possesses to learn humility, bowing his head in front of god.
When my Ayurveda teacher was providing counselling to a patient with psychological problems, he advised him to go pray at any place of his choice where god is worshipped (e.g. a shrine, temple, church) . Also, he told him to bow his head to his parents everytime he leaves the house, notifying them that he will be going out. For this person, it was necessary for him to learn humility in this way.
Similar to the definition given by the WHO, Ayurveda gives us the knowledge for living a healthy life not only physically, but mentally and socially as well. At the same time, I think learning reverence through bowing in such rituals is wonderful for the soul, mind and developing a wise means of communication. In Korea, children are not given their New Years allowance unless they perform this kun jol well
SO.... going back to my story... I had truly believed that I had performed this bow quite well thanks to BYJ! But... actually, I had made a big boo-boo! The steps were completely different between a man and a woman! Oh NO~~~!
Women are supposed to stand up, put her hands together around the level of one's eyes, go straight down smoothly and sit, and with the hands in the same position slightly raised in the air, bow gracefully. For weddings, this bow must be repeated in front of of the parents and relatives many times. It requires quite a bit of strength in the legs and hips. Oh well, I guess I'm not cut out to become a Korean bride...
(you can find the link to satvik's blog on the right)
1 comment:
hi hi flowerbossa!
oh, so wuri satovic went to busan? hehe, if only she had run into him again... this time at the train station instead of on the plane! you did read that wuri yong joon was spotted at the busan train station on 28th mar?
i think it's such a sweet gesture of her to go visit hero lee's grave in busan, to personally give the matter a closure and to let him know the torch of love has been passed on.
thanks for sharing this news :)
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