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What a glorious Saturday morning waking up to his butt (sorry sorry I mean BACK)! Haha flowerbossa, did you squeeze yourself behind that statue to take this shot or just extend your arms behind it? Either case, doesn't look like an easy task! Thanks for sharing!
Ladies, it gives me great pleasure to hear that you have enjoyed this.
Jaime, how did you guess - I really don't care to recall how ridiculous I looked trying to take this back view. Yes, it was most awkward. And I think the maestro was still around, too!
holy cow... the length you'd go to share such bae-pleasure with us?!! thank you! hehe, can't even start to imagine how you'd look when you're taking that pic :p
hehehehehehe..... think just the sight of it makes me grin from ear to ear :p
thanks for sharing, flowerbossa!
What a glorious Saturday morning waking up to his butt (sorry sorry I mean BACK)! Haha flowerbossa, did you squeeze yourself behind that statue to take this shot or just extend your arms behind it? Either case, doesn't look like an easy task! Thanks for sharing!
Ladies, it gives me great pleasure to hear that you have enjoyed this.
Jaime, how did you guess -
I really don't care to recall how ridiculous I looked trying to take this back view. Yes, it was most awkward. And I think the maestro was still around, too!
holy cow... the length you'd go to share such bae-pleasure with us?!! thank you! hehe, can't even start to imagine how you'd look when you're taking that pic :p
thanks much much!
Hi Ladies,
I have been so busy lately and did not stop by.
Reading your ladies comments while thinking about the pic made me want to laugh out loud.
Enough. Pls stop.
Hi baosang,
Go ahead,
wow, wow, thanks Flowerbossa for sharing. I wonder how I would feel if I touch it...
YOU better get over here really quick if you want to find out,
because Brokore Land closes TOMORROW!!
With the April Snow success in France, maybe Mr.Torso will go on a tour...
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