The translations shared here are for your personal enjoyment. Respecting the rights of the original writer, please leave a message if you wish to share them with others. Thank you for your understanding!
And thank you for interesting entries this year. Hope you have the time and energy to continue next year. Pallet has as usual made a very beautiful drawing. Take care Ida
Ah, another pallet masterpiece! What a lovely Christmas present to us all.
Many, many thanks! Arigato gozaimasu! Merci beaucoup!
Dear gosijo-san,
I'm sure pallet enjoyed drawing it and sharing it with all of you during this holiday seasonヽ(^-^ )/
Merry Christmas to you too.
And thank you for interesting entries this year. Hope you have the time and energy to continue next year.
Pallet has as usual made a very beautiful drawing.
Take care
Thank you Pallet for this wonderful Christmas gift.
Hello Ida,
Thank you for your warm messages - it was a joy for me to know that someone from a land so far away was enjoying my blog!
Have a happy new year^^
Dear yudi,
I'm sure pallet would be happy to hear that you liked it^^
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